Pink Elephant
Sellner Jumpin Jumbo ride, this one has bright pink and gray elephants.
A mouth-watering slice available at any good midway or park.
This line-up of colorful carnival game prizes was irresistable
Popes Attractions
Popes Attractions
A concession company with rides in West Tennessee that plays a lot of festivals.
A familiar scene on all carnival midways - the wheel, the carousel and the popper.
Puppy Spin
Puppy Spin
A Dalmation spin ride made by GoldStar Manufacturing.
Rainbow Valley Midway
Rainbow Valley Midway
A view of the midway on Rainbow Valley Rides in Wisconsin from the summer of 2013.
Reithoffer Dutch Wheel
Reithoffer's Dutch Wheel
The only one of it's kind in the US, this is an impressive 100' wheel made by Kroon of the Netherlands.
Richland Carousle
Richland Carousel
One of the beautiful horses on the Richland Carousel in Mansfield, Ohio
Ring Of Fire
Ring Of Fire
A beautiful sight against an early evening sky. This one belongs to Powers Great American Midways at the fair in Butler. PA
Rock & Roll
Flashy Bertazzon ride with a 50's theme.
Rock O Plane
Rock O Plane
Another vintage classic Eyerly ride. You don't find a lot of these around anymore. It is a pretty thrilling ride as the cars swing around as it rotates like a ferris wheel.
Roll O Plane
Roll O Plane
Another classic Eyerly Aircraft ride that you don't see too often. This one is owned by PBJ Happee Days Shows.
Rose Horse
Rose Horse
The lead horse on a Chance Carousel.
Rosedale Attractions
Rosedale Attractions
Rosedale Attractions is a family-owned carnival in the Baltimore area.
Roto Jet
Roto Jet
The only one I know of that is operating in the US. An unusual old ride that was relocated to Knoebels Park from a short-lived park in Bronx called Freedomland USA.
Round Up
Round Up
A familiar ride in an unusual setting on top of a mountain in Maggie Valley. NC right after it rained. The rides were reflected in big puddles and it was more interesting to me than a sunny day. This was at Ghost Town in the Sky.
Rye Playland Train
Rye Playland Train
This is a very colorful miniature train with the Giant Wheel looming in the background.
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