Magic Springs Carousel
Magic Springs Carousel
A beautifully detailed carousel reflected in the lake at Magic Springs Amusement Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
A popular Owens funhouse, seen on many midways.
Millennium Force
Millennium Force
The top of the 300' lift hill of my favorite steel coaster! At Cedar Point in Sandusky OH.
The last working Meteor ride in the US as far as I know. Owned by PBJ Happee Day Shows out of Arkansas. A thrilling ride!
Midge O Racer
Midge O Racer
A vintage Eyerly kiddie ride that still thrills the younger set. This mint condition one is still going around at Lakeside Park in Denver, Colorad . The ride is from the 1950's and is a real classic.
Midway Coloring Page
Midway Coloring Page
A drawing of a midway scene from a painting I did years ago of Luehr's Ideal Rides at a fair in Indiana.
Moby Dick
Moby Dick
A popular ride from Wisdom Mfg. that is on many midways.
Netterfield's Candy Trailer
Netterfield's Candy Trailer
Some of the most beautiful neon can be found on the Netterfield family's food trailers and food courts at major fairs throughout the U.S. This was at the Florida State Fair in Tampa.
New York New York
New York New York
A two story very detailed walk-through funhouse made by Gosetto of Italy. This one is owned by Cole Amusements and was in Abingdon VA at the Washington County Fair
A really fast flying ride popular with teenagers. Wilson Family Shows owns this one, at the Arkansas State Fair in Little Rock.
Orient Express
Orient Express
A family coaster owned by of Tons of Fun Shows in PA.
An older model at Knoebels Amusement Park, it is really fun to ride.
Paratrooper Shadow
Paratrooper at dusk
I completed this painting many years ago, so I am not positive which carnival it belonged to. But I think it was on MidValley Shows in PA.
Penn Valley Shows Midway 2013
Penn Valley Shows Midway 2013
View of the midway of Penn Valley Shows in central PA from 2013.
Penn Valley Popper
Penn Valley Popper
The show's high tech popper with the new Beast ride nearby
Penn's Landing Carousel
Penn's Landing Carousel
Owned by the Marchione family, it is a large double-decker carousel that is located at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia on the Delaware River during the summer months. It is then moved to Philadelphia's City Hall Courtyard for Christmas Village, from mid-November to Christmas.There are many unusual animals on this carousel as well as beautiful gondolas. Made by Chance Rides.
Pharoahs Fury
Pharoahs Fury
A Chance Manufacturing boat ride, the Pharoah's Fury theme is seen on a lot of midways.
Phoenix Roller  Coaster
Phoenix Roller Coaster
The Phoenix is one of the top rated wooden roller coasters anywhere! Relocated from San Antonio's Playland Park to Knoebels Amusement Park in PA. in 1985.
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